It all worked quite well after all
A gray happy day
I feel content
In an XXL gray sweater and
Gray pants
It all worked quite well after all
Yesterday I watched the marvelous
And magical movie
Anna Karenina
And decided
And I think
It all worked quite well after all
Try to be convinced that
It actually did
oh, my beloved SEM pictures |
Lame but nice quote #1 |
ME?! |
Grey or gray is an intermediate color between black and white, a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally a color "without color." [2] It is the color of a cloud-covered sky, of ash and of lead. [3]
In Europe and America, grey is the color most frequently associated with the elderly, humility, reflection, boredom, dullness, uncertainty, and indifference. [4]"
Wikipedia wisdom
but today, it was that kind of happy Brussel-sky gray!
Hip hip hurray!
you |
No, me |
Lame but nice quote #2 |
lame but nice quote #3 |
and i walked out of the marvelous movie
Into the snow
A magical snowshow
The snowflakes waltzing
kissing the stonecold pavement
and I stood there in the midst of it
My phone as a gun
Killing my uncertainty
With long
Beeep Beeep Beeeep
Til my feel were numb
And I lost track of them and stumbled in
To the warm nest of anxiousness
Laughed of relief under the boiling water
My heart ached, screaming in the shower
so I buried my face in the soft snow
and lay down on the white ground
you know, where that fountain used to be
and made a snow angel
ARD <3 |
and it felt like
I knew what
is about